Monday, September 30, 2019

Adaptive Physical Education by Steven Symes

Adaptive Physical Education Games By Steven Symes, eHow Contributor Children with disabilities may not be able to participate to the fullest extent in a regular physical education class. Modified activities for children with disabilities can be employed either in a class with children who have no limitations or in a class composed entirely or students with disabilities. 1. Soccer * Soccer fields cover large areas, so decrease the size of the field to reduce the amount of movement required to play the game. If necessary, restrict running so players can participate by walking. Children who use a wheelchair can hold the ball on their laps while they move around the soccer field. Instead of using the traditional soccer ball, use a Nerf ball or other soft material ball to reduce the risk of injury. For children that have visual impairments, use goals that have an element that makes noise when the ball hits it, such as a bell. Basketball * Instead of using the traditional basketball, use different-size balls to make gripping the ball easier. Allow for two-handed dribble so students can maintain control of the ball. An adjustable basketball stand is helpful so the basket can be lowered when the students are first learning how to play the game. Also use larger basketball hoops to make scoring easier. A motion-activated beeper attached to the underside of the basketball hoop will help students with visual impairments know when to shoot the ball. Tennis * Use larger balls that do not fly as quickly through the air to slow down the game play. Remove the center net so students are able to play without constant interruption. Consider using a tee for students to serve the ball from. Allow disabled students to play in pairs with other students who assist in playing the game. For visually impaired students, brightly colored balls help them see the ball. Softball * Instead of traditional softballs and mitts, use balls and mitts with Velcro attached to them. Also use a bat that is larger than the traditional-size bat, making it easier for students to hit the ball. Shrink the size of the diamond so students do not need to run as far to the bases. For students in wheelchairs, use a tee instead of pitching the ball. Consider using balls that have built-in beepers to assist students with visual impairments. * ALEX Resume/CV Parsingwww. hireability. com/ALEX/ale HireAbility is the most accurate & fastest! Fully hosted. Simple setup * The Perfect Golf Swing? PerfectConnectionGolfSwing. com Rebel PGA Instructor Claims He Can Add 20-30 Yards to Anyone's Swing! * Resources for PE Teachingwww. peoffice. co. uk PE Schemes, Lesson Plans, PE Level Descriptors,Assessment,Free lessons * Calm Autism for Freewww. calmautism. com Improve behaviors and sensory issues with proven program Adaptive PE Activities * Adaptive physical education is designed to modify typical activities, addressing the individual needs and abilities of students with development delays or disabilities. The federal government mandates adaptive PE activities through the special education law USCA 1402 (25). Modifying typical activities for the atypical child is fairly easy and provides fun and exercise for all children. Basketball * To modify playing the game of basketball depends upon the particular disability. For students with motor skill delays such as hand-eye coordination, larger balls for easier manipulation can be used. Use a larger net size and consider lowering the height of the goal. Change the rules, such as to allow traveling or two-handed dribbling. Slow the pace and timing down. Students who use wheelchairs can either dribble from the chair with peers pushing the wheelchair—or allow them to carrying the ball in their lap as they hand-wheel down the court. Visually impaired students would benefit from an audio prompt such as a beeper ball or audio sound at the basket. Softball * Developmental delays will require you to modify the equipment used for students. Use Velcro balls and mitts to allow better success at catching a ball. Increase or decrease the size of the bats for better accuracy at hitting. Batting tees will increase the chance of making contact with the ball, especially in the early stages of learning the game. Scale back the size of the playing field and the distance between bases. Peer partner students, which increases success but is also beneficial for student awareness and understanding of disabilities. Changes rules such as tag-outs and increase the number of hitting attempts. Everyone-runs Kickball * Running, no matter your skill or speed, is a great cardio-workout. This version of kickball is fun for all students. The kicking team selects one person to kick and everyone on the team runs to the bases. The game can be scored one of two ways, either when the entire team crosses the home base or the traditional way of scoring each run before receiving three outs. The fielding team must get the ball and pass it to each and every team member and finally to the pitcher. Play stops when pitcher has the ball. Students can be peer partnered for running, fielding and pitching. References * PE Central: Adapted Physical Education * PE Central: Adapted Activities/Basketball * PE Central: Adapted Activities/Softball Resources * Heartland Area Education Agency: Adapted PE

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Rayon Fibre

Cuprammonium Rayon threads from Filter Paper AAKASH NARAYAN XII-B DON BOSCO SCHOOL i. n. d. e. x 1. Objective 2. Certificate 3. Acknowledgement 4. Apparatus 5. Chemicals 6. Summary 7. Introduction 8. Procedure 9. Precautions 10. Bibliography o. b. j. e. c. t. i. v. e To make Cuprammonium Rayon Threads From Filter Paper c. e. r. t. i. f. i. c. a. t. eThis is to certify that   Aakash Narayan,   student of Class XII B,  Don Bosco School ,Alaknanda   has completed the project titled ‘Cuprammonium Rayon Threads from Filter Paper’ during the academic year 2010-2011, towards partial fulfilment of credit for the chemistry practical evaluation of CBSE Board, and submitted satisfactory report, as compiled in the following pages, under my supervision. This project is absolutely genuine and does not indulge in plagiarism of any kind.The references taken in making this project have been declared at the end of this report. Ms. Cecilia Manichan Don Bosco School, Alaknanda a. c. k. n. o. w. l. e. d. g. e. m. e. n. t â€Å"There are times when silence speaks so much more loudly than words  of  praise to only as good as belittle a person, whose words do not express, but only put a veneer over true feelings, which are  of  gratitude at this point  of  time†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †Ã¢â‚¬  I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my chemistry teacher   Ms. Cecilia Manichan ,for her vital support, guidance and encouragement without which this project would not have come-forth.I would also like to express my gratitude to the staff of the Department of Chemistry at  Don Bosco School for their support during the making of this project. I would also like to thank my partner ,my friend Gaurab Das Gupta helping me to perform the project. Aakash Narayan XII B, Don Bosco School a. p. p. a. r. a. t. u. s 1) Conical flask (250 ml) 2) Funnel 3) Glass rod 4) Beaker (250 ml) 5) Water bath 6) Whatman Filt er paper [pic] c. h. e. m. i. c. a. l. s 1) Copper Sulphate(CuSO4 ) 2) Caustic Soda Solution(NAOH) 3) Liquor ammonia solution ) Dilute Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) 5) Whatman Paper 6) Distilled water (H2O) s. u. m. m. a. r. y Rayon is a cellulose-based synthetic fiber . it was originally called ‘artificial silk’ or ‘wood silk’, because, it got Developed in an attempt to chemically produce silk. Rayon is a regenerated fiber. cellulose is converted to a liquid compound and then back to cellulose in the form of fiber. cuprammonium rayon is obtained by dissolving cellulose in ammoniacal copper sulphate solution. The rayon fibers have special characteristics: They are highly absorbent, ?Soft and comfortable, ? Easy to dye & ? Drape well. i. n. t. r. o. d. u. c. t. i. o. n Cellulose is nature’s own giant molecule. It is the fibrous material that every plant makes by baking glucose molecules in long chains, from seaweed to the sequoia; the chains are bound togeth er in the fibers that give plants their shape and strength. Wood is the main source of cellulose. it contains 40% to 50% cellulose. the substance must be extracted by ‘pulping’. The logs are flaked, and then simmered in chemicals that dissolve the tarry lignin, resins and minerals.The remaining pulp, about 93% cellulose, is dried and rolled into sheets-raw material for paper, rayon and other products. It can be obtained in two ways: 1. Viscose Process: Cellulose is soaked in 30% caustic soda solution for about 3 hrs. The alkali solution is removed and the product is treated with carbon di-sulphide (CS2). This gives cellulose xanthate, which is dissolved in caustic soda (NaOH) solution to give viscous solution. This is filtered and forced through a spinneret into a dilute sulphuric acid (H2SO4) solution, both of which harden the gum-like thread into rayon fibers.The process of making viscose was discovered by C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan in 1891. 2. Cuprammonium Rayon: Cu prammonium rayon is obtained by dissolving pieces of filter paper in a deep blue solution containing tetra-ammine cupric hydroxide. The latter is obtained from a solution of copper sulphate (CuSO4). To it, ammonia solution (NH4OH) is added to precipitate cupric hydroxide (Cu(OH)2), which is then dissolved in excess of ammonia (NH3. ) Reactions: CuSO4 + 2NH4OH > Cu(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4 (Pale Blue Precipitate)Cu(OH) 2 + 4NH4OH > [Cu(NH3) 4](OH) 2 + 4H2O [Cu(NH3) 4](OH) 2 + pieces of filter paper left for 10-15 days give a viscous solution called ‘VISCOSE’. p. r. o. c. e. d. u. r. e I. Preparation of Schweitzer’s Solution: 1) Weigh 20g of CuSO4. 5H20. [pic] 2) Transfer this to a beaker having 100ml distilled water and add 15ml of dilute H2SO4 to prevent hydrolysis of CuSO4. [pic] 3) Stir it with a glass rod till a clear solution is obtained. Add 11ml of liquor ammonia drop by drop with slow stirring. The precipitate of cupric hydroxide is separated out. [pic] ) Filter t he solution containing cupric hydroxide through a funnel with filter paper. [pic] [pic] 5) Wash the precipitate of cupric hydroxide with water until the filtrate fails to give a positive test for sulphate ions with barium chloride solution. [pic] [pic] 6) Transfer the precipitate to a beaker that contains 50ml of liquor ammonia or wash it down the funnel. The precipitate when dissolved in liquor ammonia gives a deep blue solution of tetra-ammine cupric hydroxide. This is known as SCHWEITZER’S SOLUTION. [pic] II. Preparation of Cellulose material ) After weighing 2g of filter paper divide it into very fine pieces and then transfer these pieces to the tetra-ammine cupric hydroxide solution in the beaker. [pic] [pic] 2) Seal the flask and keep for 10 to 15 days, during this period the filter paper is dissolved completely. iii. Formation of Rayon Thread 1) Take 50ml of distilled water in a glass container. To this add 20ml of conc. Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) drop by drop. Cool the so lution under tap water. In a big glass container pour some of the solution. 2) Fill the syringe with cellulose solution prepared before. [pic] ) Place the big glass container containing H2SO4 solution produced before in ice (the reaction being spontaneous results in excess release of energy in the form of heat which makes the fibers weak and breaks them). [pic] [pic] 4) Immerse the tip of the syringe in the solution and press gently. Notice the fibers getting formed in the acid bath. Continue to move your hand and keep pressing the syringe to extrude more fibers into the bath. 5) Leave the fibers in solution till they decolorize and become strong enough. [pic] [pic] [pic] 6) Filter and wash with distilled water. . r. e. c. a. u. t. i. o. n. s 1) Addition of excess NH3 should be avoided. 2) Before taking the viscose in the syringe make sure that it does not contain any particles of paper, otherwise, it would clog the needle of the syringe. 3) Addition of NH3 should be done in a fume cupboard and with extreme care. The fumes if inhaled may cause giddiness. 4) Use a thick needle otherwise the fibers won’t come out. b. i. b. l. i. o. g. r. a. p. h. y I. Google. com II. Ask. com III. Wikipedia. com IV. Comprehensive  Laboratory Manual in chemistry XII [pic][pic]

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Accounting for Charitable Contributions

A look at the financial structure of charity organizations and to what extent these are effective in supporting intended objectives. This paper takes a look at the financial structure of charity organizations and at what extent these are effective in supporting intended objectives. The author argues that often charities spend donations not in connection to their stated mission, and in many cases the money goes not where it is most needed. Americans are a very generous people, reaching into their pockets again and again to provide their personal and corporate dollars to support what they believe to be worthy causes they may not have the time to personally volunteer, but most are willing, at least occasionally, to write a check to support those that do.The U.S. has 1.4 million tax-exempt organizations. Its probably a safe bet that most are well-intentioned and honest. But a lot of them are simply inefficient they spend donations meant to help people in need on staff salaries or direct-mail marketing. Some do not even put donations to use toward their stated mission (Forbes, 1999).

Friday, September 27, 2019

How did Hume reconcile the idea of a universal Standard of Taste with Essay

How did Hume reconcile the idea of a universal Standard of Taste with the diversity of actual taste that he observes What objec - Essay Example Since people have different ways of appreciating the beauty of visual arts, it is necessary on the part of the acedemic world to take a closer look on how â€Å"taste† can affect how each person will perceive the quality of visual arts. David Hume is one of the famous philosophers of Enlightenment1, 2. Specifically Hume has a unique way of expressing his own opinion with regards to the universal standard of taste. To give the readers a better understanding of this subject matter, this study will first discuss Hume’s idea with regards to the standard of taste. After analyzing how Hume was able to reconcile the idea of a universal standard of taste with the diversity of actual taste that he observed, this study will identify and thoroughly discussed several objections which may arise out of his arguments. Hume’s Idea with Regards to the Standard of Taste The standard of taste is heavily based on people’s nature. Given that a group of people share the same in terests, it means that they have the same standard of taste. When it comes to artworks, Hume argued that there will always be a group of people who will be contented and not contented with the quality of artwork they see in front of them and that only time can really tell whether or not the piece of artwork would still outstand other similar types of artistic crafts3, 4. In Hume’s writings on the standard of taste, he tackled the issue with regards to the essential differences between artistic â€Å"facts† and â€Å"artistic sentiments†5, 6, 7 In line with this, Hume mentioned that judgement based on sentiments does not contain the truth behind the real value of artworks. Given that each person’s artistic taste is totally different from that of another person, Hume’s argument that ‘judgement based on sentiments does not contain the truth behind the real value of artworks’ seems to be based on facts8. Since people’s judgement on artworks are mostly â€Å"subjective’ and based on â€Å"pleasure†9, 10, Hume took the position that most of the judgements based on taste are not only illogical but also ridiculous11, 12. According to Hume, the two (2) main sources of such sentiment is highly based on either the personal disposition of each person or the moral differences which may arise out of each person’s cultural differences13, 14. In line with this, Hume’s concept of personal disposition in the standard of taste means that each individual has their own taste or preferences when it comes to artistic works. On the other hand, Hume’s idea of moral differences in the standard of taste means that the moral beliefs of each person can significantly affect their aesthetic subjectivism when it comes to the process of judging a piece of artwork. With regards to the cultural differences of each person, Hume mentioned that each type of culture will have a unique set of customs that can affect the way people perceive the same piece of artwork15. For this reason, the presence of cultural differences alone should be considered as one of the most significant factor that can make a highly competitive judge to be prejudice when it comes to judging a good piece of artwork16. On top of these two (2) major factors that could affect each person’s judgement based on sentiments, Hume mentioned that each piece of artwork has its own unique beauty that can easily attract a group of people17, 18, 19. There are quite a lot of factors that can affect a person’

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Reflection Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Reflection - Term Paper Example In his job, he does the direct service provision, but most of the time, he supervises people who do direct service. The health center provides health care services, where there is a comprehensive primary care service. The interviewee himself works with the segment that looks at the social health care determinants and help patients overcome such challenges of social health care determinants to be able to access healthcare. He works with the youth to solve two problems, one of them is the history of incarceration and connecting people to health care. He is also charged with the duty of overseeing health screening of people in the community and taking then to the health center to receive healthcare. The center deals mostly with the young people, most of whom are of pre-adolescent and adults of between ages 12-24-year-old. The interviewee is in-charge of four different programs that he oversee their provision to this population. The organization started in 1972 that resulted from a movement in the late 60s about creating a big community center. In those days, Worcester was an isolated part of the city that was far from the city. Therefore, it forced people who were sick to take a bus to the hospital. Then the doctors and professors a nearby college organized and created the center. Initially, it was named after a housing project in the area, Great Brook Valley Health Center, but now it is called the Hadron-M-Kennedy Community Health center. The organization has federal state and local funding. People who have health insurance also pay through the insurance. The interviewee specifically works with the foundation that is funded by the state of private funding. The services that the interviewee oversee does not generate any income, so it is fully funded. However, the health center services that the facility provides, charge at least something for the services. First challenge is working with stigmatized people to identify their health care problem

Drawing on research an other literature discuss the issue of menal Essay

Drawing on research an other literature discuss the issue of menal health ill-health amoung the offender population and provide - Essay Example As for psychotic disorders, schizophrenia and delusional disorder are the most common (Birmingham, 2003, p. 193). Moreover, inmates display a wide range of neurotic disorders, such as depression, insomnia, fatigue and irritability (Birmingham, 2003, p. 193). Additionally, there is substantial comorbidity in individuals with psychiatric disorders, in that many of them also suffer from substance abuse (Crawford, et al., 2003, p. S2). There are also many youthful offenders, which are defined as defenders who are between the ages of 15 and 21, with juveniles being defined as being between the ages of 15 and 17, and 30 percent of youthful males and 50 percent of youthful males on remand have a diagnosable mental disorder (Farrant, 2001, p. 1). Therefore, something must be done to address the needs of these inmates and defendants, and this requires humanitarian concerns to dominate the debate about how to treat mentally challenged defendants and inmates. Because of this, there is a great n eed to address the needs of these inmates when meeting their mental health challenges. Some of the ways to address these needs include diversion schemes, transfers to hospitals and treating the inmates in the prison hospital. However, as indicated below, none of these schemes are perfect, and many of them are severely flawed. Because of this the mentally ill prison population, by and large, continues to be untreated and this has severe implications for society. Discussion Unfortunately, humanitarian concerns do not dominate the penal system in England andWales, but, rather, the dominant concern is that the perceptions and attribution of risk are attenuated (Peay, 2007, p. 497). Because of the perception and risk attribution of these offenders, therapeutic considerations are considerations no longer. This in contrast to the recommendations of the Home Office Circular 66/90, which stated that mentally disordered offenders should be placed in the care of health and personal services, a ccording to their mental illness. This recommendation would have caused the prisons to adopt a treatment-based approach, with a de-emphasis on the questions of risk and reoffending, and would have taken mental health law in the direction of medical law (Peay, 2007, p. 498). This approach was rejected by the Government, which, in its White Paper (Department of Health/Home Office 2000), put the safety of the public as the paramount concern, not treating the mentally ill offender, and called for, in essence, â€Å"a form of indefinite detention for some people with personality disorder† (Peay, 2007, p. 498). Therefore, this pushed mental health law more in the direction of penal law, and away from the direction of medical law (Peay, 2007, p. 498). There are a number of different schemes through which a mentally disordered criminal can get treatment instead of straight incarceration. One of these schemes is court diversion (Peay, 2007, p. 506). In this, the offender, the psychiat rist and the Crown Prosecution Service, are brought together to come up with a solution for what to do with the offender (Rickford&Edgar, 2005, p. 1). Diversion is especially appropriate where the offence committed is non-violent and relatively minor (Pakes&Winstone, 2009, p. 158). One of the key aims of diversion is to reduce the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A Causal Relationship between Problem solving and Student Success Essay

A Causal Relationship between Problem solving and Student Success - Essay Example To be able to analyze the objectives of the project or the course of study and how to utilize the information that is available and that which is already stored in the brain or ask the right questions to obtain clarify and effectiveness. This approach reviews students on an individual basis and instruct methodically rather than one standardized format, which may not be applicable to all. The idea is to access individual student capabilities, weaknesses and fashion it based on their specific needs. These assessments are based on studies made on periodical assignments, IQ tests and skill tests through the course tenure, be it primary or secondary education level. The object of this article is to ascertain if there is a logical reasoning behind this kind of pedagogy and if there is evidence of results. The article is divided under the following: What are problem-solving skills? It is broadly inferred that â€Å"problems† when viewed from the academic point of view relates only directly to mathematics when solving equations; chemistry deducing the chemical compound or the reactive behavior of some chemical compound or to put in even a bit broader in science in general. This article looks at problem solving skill sets as what it is in today’s academic context and its application over the entire academic spectrum. To a human mind anything and everything that does not have an obvious solution is a problem and in the event of such problems it is necessary to take on a theoretical and methodical approach to it. The human mind is a humongous library of knowledge and information stored at different points of time in response to things seen, heard or read. All of this information has applications in our lives and can be found useful in finding a solution or trying to understand something better or learn something new yet connected. The purpose is to train the mind to think objectively exercise it to approach learning

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Six feet project 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Six feet project 2 - Assignment Example The disputes aren’t explained as indication that they could be minor. She only highlights natural urban calamities such as noise and insecurity, as the possible reasons of the immigration; â€Å"we have no burglar bars, no guns† (1320). By the virtue that Nadine does not mention any permit requirements for this migration, the whites are represented as having a bit of freedom. The blacks are the victims of oppression and are highly maltreated. Petrus’ family is displayed as generally poor, he works in a farm, his brother; the illegal immigrant is unemployed and his father feels better off by inheriting an old suit. Moreover, unlike the whites, they ought to acquire a permit to move, regardless of the reason behind. The author uses the white farmer’s humility to her workers to portray the authority’s callousness. Lerice, takes care of his workers children (1320), she presses her husband to impress Petrus despite having illegally accommodated his brother (1324); hence making him look stupid in the eyes of the soldiers. The conclusion does not show any fairness, since Petrus, lost his money, does not his body back but at least his father gets a white man’s suit portraying some equality. Apartheid is a cruel system that puts blacks in an oppressed position, both the kind whites and the blacks are aware of this but the authority has to maintain the system to protect the minority whites. Charter, the narrator is no different from other whites, thinking that he has better management but views the blacks as poor and non-human. He despises their effort and unity to retrieve their brother’s dead body: upon receiving the  £20 contribution he says â€Å"I took it in irritation†¦, useless sacrifice by people so poor† Effects of racism killed Petrus’ brother. After death, the Apartheid system does not sympathize with the family. His body is buried without family involvement and later the authorities play fraud; take the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Reflection on Practice - Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Reflection on Practice - Portfolio - Essay Example , titled "The Darkest Corners," details the grim conditions and human rights abuses faced by people who are committed to psychiatric care against their will, even if they do not pose a demonstrable threat of harm to themselves or to others. "[Such individuals] are denied the right to make decisions regarding their own fate, including admission, discharge, and treatment," CHRD said in an e-mailed statement. "Forced medical treatment, violence, and mistreatment occur frequently." It said psychiatric care facilities frequently restrict or prevent patients from communicating with the outside world, including their relatives and lawyers, and assume that patients relatives have the right to direct their treatment, even if the person is still quite capable of thinking for themselves. Under the Chinese mental health system, patients have no right to independent reviews upon admission or during their time in psychiatric hospitals, and the judicial system is unwilling to handle cases brought by former psychiatric patients. The report cited the case of Fujian website editor Cheng Tianfu, who was reportedly kidnapped by a group of psychiatric healthcare workers in a van in January, 2008, while on his way to the train station to catch a train to Beijing. "During his one-month detention in the hospital, Cheng was subjected to electric shocks and forcibly medicated," CHRD said. "Only when Cheng’s family consented to his discharge was he allowed to leave the hospital." Chinas rapid economic growth and deepening social inequalities are ramping up stress across the population, with urban white-collar workers, high-flyers, and young people all seeking psychological help in unprecedented numbers, mental health professionals say. Even the medically-based psychiatric profession was virtually nonexistent until well after the Cultural Revolution (1966-76) had ended, and psychologists were almost unheard of until about a decade ago. Meanwhile, Wang Wanxing, founder of the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Debate on Indian Removal Essay Example for Free

Debate on Indian Removal Essay In the contemporary world the idea of removal of an entire people from its native land would sound wickedly and would perhaps be considered a genocide, yet in the XIX century this idea was quite permissible and corresponded to the ruling concept of civilized nations which were to rule those uncivilized and determine their existence. Therefore, in our estimation of pro and contra Indian removal arguments I shall attempt to evaluate the named arguments first and foremost from the point of view of the time and base my conclusions on such evaluation. The first argument proposed by Andrew Jackson to the Congress in 1829 is that that no new state may be established without consent of the people of that state, and since Indians are living on the territory of existing states and do not constitute a majority, they may not establish their own government and have to obey the laws of the state or immigrate. A harsher version of the argument is provided in the North American Review, January 1830, blaming that Indians are barbarous people â€Å"incapable of sustaining any other relation with the whites, than that of dependence and pupilage. † Francis J. Grund is even more acrid, as he claims Indian’s cruelty towards the Founding Fathers. A counterargument can be found in the Memorial of the Cherokee Indians, published in the Weekly Register vol. 38, and it is that a white man is a ruler of the land, and the red man is weak, yet there were times when whites were week and reds were strong, and the whites received warm welcome from the Indians. Also the Indians argued that previous treaties guaranteed their rights to land. The situation with the Indians is similar to the one with the colonists before the Revolution. The colonists appeared to be weak and Britain was strong, yet the colonists were able to gain their independence by force. However, the Indians were unable to win the war and they had to obey those who are strong. Therefore, the US Government argument was nothing but a sword law, not a just law. This is well confirmed by the Decision of the U. S. Supreme Court in Worcester v. State of Georgia (1832), where the Court has found that treaties between the Indians and the Government, as well as Indian self-government are guaranteed as long as the Indians obey the general laws of the state. Since the Indians did not obey, all they privileges have to be annulled. Yet the laws of the state themselves made the Indians chose between â€Å"becoming civilized† in other words not leading their traditional lifestyle and immigration. So, it may be concluded, that removal has logically followed from the previous relations between the Indians and the Government, in which the Government used sword more frequently than justice. The second pro argument proposed by Andrew Jackson in 1830 were advantages of immigration both for the whites and for Indians. For the US government is was an opportunity to protect the frontiers, for the states of Mississippi and Alabama these were new territories and opportunities for development, and for the Indians, under Jackson, it was an ability not to have contacts with the civilized people, follow their customs and live under the government supervision, gradually becoming a civilized community. A counterargument of the Indians is explained in the mentioned Memorial, as well as in the article published in the North American Review, October 1830 where they claim their right to stay on their land and continue their traditional life same as any nation has title over its land. In fact, we once more face the sword law: the Government determined what is â€Å"civilized† and what is â€Å"law† and the Indians had to obey or disappear. Another Indian argument may be found in the letter from John Ross: the Government was just willing to get rid of the Indians. This is an argument with no counterargument. Government’s desire to make away with the Indians was undisputable. Concluding my analysis I have to recognize that the arguments of the Indians look stronger even for the XIX century. An independent international tribunal of the time would perhaps take their side. Yet there was no such tribunal, but only the will of the Government which caused Indians to be removed.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Appeasement Policies: Britain And France

Appeasement Policies: Britain And France The appeasement policy was a policy adopted by Britain and France and it was a major player in the outbreak of the war. Appeasement was first introduced in the mid 1930s by Stanley Baldwin who was then the British Prime Minister. But it was Neville Chamberlain who changed this appeasement policy when he ascended to power in 1937. The British government defines appeasement as the settlement of issues through negotiation and compromise. The British were very committed to this policy and they followed it confidently with the hope that it will reduce the chance of a world war. Britain and France sought to appease Hitler not merely because it was militarily, economically and politically rational to do so, but because of personal judgments made by Chamberlain. It is clearly evident that right from the start, Chamberlain did not clearly understand Hitlers motive and to his best understanding, appeasement would be the best strategy to avert war. He assumed that Hitlers motive was just to ama ss and maintain power which means possibility for war would be trashed by German people. Sequence of events during pursuance of appeasement policy clearly illustrates that Chamberlain did not understand Hitlers motive at all and his approach to appeasement policy could not work. While appeasement policy was mainly meant to avert war, it did not serve its purpose as Chamberlain failed to understand Hitler and the Nazi motives in general. He did not take quick steps to rearm Britain because he did not see any threat to Britain in particular and to Western Europe in general from the Germans. Therefore Chamberlain felt free to pursue the appeasement policy and disregard a military alliance with France to wage a war against Germany. It is therefore evident that Chamberlain inaccurately thought that appeasement was the only means that would stop the way. He pursued the appeasement from his own convictions and that is why he went to Germany to meet Hitler without the approval of the cabine t. He trusted Hitler and he thought he would keep his word once his demands were met. He sought this appeasement so as to conciliate with Germany to have a stable Europe  [1]  . His personal view was that Germany would be satisfied with what he offered and especially the restoration of its former colonies. There are reasons that made Chamberlain seek appeasement with Hitler. One of them is that he represented the British citizens who did not want a war as they were in the process of healing the wounds from World War One. Also, he did not want to go to war with Germany because the fall of Germany would mean the victory of the Soviet Union and the spread of communism. Chamberlain and the British citizens did not want this to happen. So Chamberlain was trying as much as he could to avoid a war with Germany and at the same time the spread of communism. The appeasement policy that Chamberlain campaigned for was merely to avoid war. He took a number of steps to ensure that the war did not happen but they failed at the end. He even traveled to Germany without Cabinet approval to pursue appeasement with Hitler. But it can also be seen as a strategy that he used in order to gain some time in rearming his forces  [2]  . The perception by Chamberlain of the methods employed by Nazi and the aim of Hitler was inaccurate. This inaccurate perception is what resulted into adoption of appeasement by Britain and France. Instead of preventing world war two, the appeasement policy can be said to be its cause especially after its failure. Chamberlain persisted in use of persuasion towards Germany rather than deterrent in addressing the grievances made by Hitler. In doing this he was convinced that Hitler wanted only to maintain power and if the grievances and demands that Germany raised were met, the German people would quench the possibility of a war  [3]  . Chamberlain thought that he could single handedly and as an individual avert the possibility of Second War through his appeasement. That is why he met Hitler on three separate occasions without Cabinet approval and without the presence of British ministers. Though there was a decrease in support from the British people and the foreign office, Chamberlain continued to believe strongly in this policy and he did not see its failure. He failed to address the arguments that were presented by allies who had been angered by the British foreign policy e.g. France. This made France an unwilling follower of Britain foreign policy even though France did not believe in its success. Chamberlain believed that any strong approach towards Hitler other than appeasement would anger him and possibly provoke him into starting a war. Therefore he did not emphasize on military production. The industries in Britain were freed to produce armaments by the recession of 1938 and the cabinet approved a potential war in February 1936  [4]  . Chamberlain was so blinded by appeasement policy that he did not assess any possible alternatives. He was confidence and optimistic that appeasement policy would succeed  [5]  . The alternative that was there was an alliance with the Soviet Union to counter Hitler but Chamberlain would not overlook the differences that Britain had with USSR on communism. He believed that in doing this, he would be giving communism a chance to spread. His erroneous judgments can be seen when he did not pursue a military alliance with France after the Munich conference when he had the chance to check the expansion of Germany. Instead he reasoned that appeasement would stop Hitler from expanding German territories. He therefore did not give any other alternative a chance  [6]  . The Versailles Pact which had been signed after the First World War with an aim of ending all wars was greatly hated by the Germans  [7]  . It was argued that the treaty, if it were to stand, wound ruin the economic status of Germany. This treaty is seen by some historians as the lead cause of the Second World War. Chamberlains misjudgment of Hitlers intention can be seen especially due to his surrender to Hitlers growing demands. This was clearly seen in 1940 when Chamberlain desperately wanted to maintain peace through fulfilling the demands made by Hitler. Chamberlain and Baldwin chose to neglect the armaments of Britain to the edge of national annihilation  [8]  . This therefore means that there were other possible alternatives but which Chamberlain failed to look at. Winston Churchill who came to power after Chamberlain viewed appeasement as a humiliation to France and Britain and he termed it as a long series of miscalculations and misjudgments of men and facts and which led Britain into an endless war with the Nazis  [9]  . Many Britons saw hope after the signing of the Versailles treaty. They wanted to avoid another war and that is why the British government had to give in to the demands presented by Hitler  [10]  . Britain felt that Germany had been treated unfairly due to the restriction imposed upon it. Chamberlain felt that if the restriction were lifted, Germany would become happier. This perception of Germany by the general population gave Hitler confidence and also provided him with an opportunity to acquire more lands without a war. The British economy was fairing very badly hence Britain was not ready for a war. It was not even in a position to fund and rearm its military force due to the bad economic status. So Chamberlain tried as much as possible to avoid a war with Germany. The way Hitler was progressing meant that there was not even time for Britain to organize war strategies and prepare its force. So Chamberlain had to find a way of avoiding war and/or gaining sometime to rearm the military. The only solution present was appeasement  [11]  . To the best of Chamberlain assumptions, German would not pursue another war after all the demands presented had been met. However, it is evident that Chamberlain did not understand the Hitlers motive. Chamberlain assumed that Hitler was only interested in maintaining power. Even when it became evident that Hitler were rearming, Chamberlain turned a blind eye and did not take any step to rearm Britain forces. However, Hitlers main aim was to make Germany as super power and a united Germany. He also wanted to enlarge the Germany territory through what he called recapturing of lost territories  [12]  . Hitler believed that German will become strong again only through the use of military aggression and war. He directly challenged the Versailles treaty in 1934 by rearming his armed forces and preparing them for war. This he did through production of tanks, submarines and aircrafts in huge masses. When it was announced that Hitler was rearming his military forces, which was in conflict with the Versailles pact, Britain and France protested to the League of Nations with the hope that it can be stopped  [ 13]  . The League of Nations did not try to stop these aggressive rearmament plans by Hitler on the grounds that there were no military or economic sanctions that had been imposed. It was due to the appeasement which made Hitler more confident. In short France and Britain simply turned a blind eye on this public breach of Versailles treaty. He was confident that France and Britain as the appeasers would not stop him. He did this knowing very well that he was flouting the Versailles treaty. Britain and France did not stop Hitler from taking over Rhineland because he was taking back what belonged to Germany originally. At this stage, France could have stopped the reoccupation of the Rhine region but she did not want to start a war with Germany due to the lack of support from the British. Hitler did not want negotiations with France. He instead wanted to deal with Britain and Chamberlain especially. This may be because Hitler saw a sign of weakness and poor perception in Chamberlain. This is what forced France to follow Britain in the pursuance of appeasement even though it disputed its success. In supporting Britain, France wanted a strong militarily alliance with Britain that could maintain a war with Germany once the appeasement policy failed. Though the pursuance of appeasement by France was manipulated by Britain, France would not back off because it had found an ally in Britain. Because France would not be in a position to fight Germany on its own, having Britain on its side was of great importance  [14]  . This was because France was undergoing a financial crisis, industrial hold ups and a shortage in skilled labor. Chamberlain thought that France was behind him in his appeasement policy but he failed to see the hidden agenda pursued by France in its support for appeasement. The politics and governance in France were different from those in Britain. While Chamberlain as an individual dominated the foreign policy in Britain, France had a rapid turnover of cabinets and governments. The indictments of appeasement in France focused on the whole political players but not on one individual. Chamberlain thought that by allowing Hitler to take over the region that formally belonged to Germany, he would at least stop there. Hitler invaded Austria in 1938 and he declared Anschluss. In doing this he was breaking the Versailles treaty. The Australian chancellor at the time pleaded with France and Britain to help but these two countries did nothing about it. Chamberlain sent a protest note to Berlin  [15]  . He addressed the cabinet after Hitlers army crossed the border and he blamed both Germany and Austria. Even though, he condemned strongly the methods used by Hitler to annex Austria  [16]  . Chamberlain saw Hitler as a man who can be trusted and in his intervention he persuaded the president of the republic of Czech to hand over Sudetenland to the Germans. In doing this, Chamberlain thought that this was the last demand that Hitler would ask for. The annexation of Australia in 1938 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia as a whole is what opened the eyes of the appeasers and they saw that no matter how much they tried to appease Hitler, war was inevitable. After giving in to all the demands made by Hitler and his continual invasion of Europe, the appeasers realized that the appeasement policy was a failed policy. Chamberlain did not see Czechoslovakia as an issue that could result to war. He had simply assumed that it was just a conflict between two neighboring countries and that their conflict could not result to a world war. In 1938, Chamberlain is said to have observed: How horrible. Fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas masks here because of a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing!  [17]  . This quote suggests that the reason why Chamberlain pursued appeasement was to keep Britain safe while allowing Germany to control other nations. As long as Hitler did not interfere with Britains interest, Chamberlain was committed in pursuing appeasement. He believed that Hitler would be only interested in Eastern Europe and would not care to head Western Europe. That is why Britain and France did not take any military action when Germany started its rearming, the remilitarization of Rhine land and the Anschluss with Austria. The reason why the British policy of appeasement was vague in the 1930s was because the British politicians were unable to accurately the greatest threat to Britain and therefore come up with appropriate means and strategies to deal with them. Therefore Britain did not make any attempt to unite with America, USSR or France  [18]  . Though the British people were at first excited by Chamberlains avoidance of another war, the public opinion changed in 1938-8 after Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia. The public mood in France and Britain changed and Chamberlain chose to ignore this and instead continue with appeasement secretly. He had ordered that the word appeasement be used as little as possible in his speeches  [19]  . The famous peace in our time speech that was delivered by Chamberlain on September 30, 1938 showed that Hitler was a man who could not be trusted. It also showed that appeasement policy had failed as a means to prevent war. The main reason why Britain and France embraced the appeasement policy was because they did not want the whole of Europe to be dragged into a world war by Hitler. It was a policy being persued due to the lessons learnt from world war one. Appeasement policy can be seen as a bad policy that was aimed at achieving world peace while sacrificing some countries like the way Britain and France did to try and appease Hitler at the mercies of Czechoslovakia. Though the appeasement policy led to the strengthening of Germany, and the breakout of war, there are other reasons why France and Britain adopted this policy. These two countries were faced with economic problems in the 1930s. The British economy was severely weakened by the Wall Street crash of 1929 which made the government put the rearming of its armed forces on hold. Chamberlain wanted as much as possible to avoid war. That is why he adopted the appeasement policy. On the other hard, France was not in a position to maintain a war. It needed the support of Britain. It is because of this that it followed Britain in seeking the appeasement. This was because he wanted peace and stability that would allow economic growth for the whole of Europe. The Britons had a positive attitude towards the appeasement in the hope that it would reduce the chances of a war outbreak. Thus it can be concluded that appeasement was a British government policy that was fully supported by the citizens. Britain did not want a war between it and Germany. This was because it was threatened by communist USSR and not because it feared Germany. In case Germany fell, there was a possibility of spread of communism and Britain did not want this to happen. That is why it was in the favor of appeasement policy. Another fear that embraced Britain was forming a coalition with USSR which was its bitter rival. That is why Chamberlain desperately sought for appeasement at the mercies of other countries just to make sure that they did not join hands with USSR in a war against Germany  [20]  . The signing of the Munich agreement is viewed by many as a betrayal especially by Britain. What Chamberlain was doing is to buy some time to rearm British forces. Hitler on the other hand thought it as a weakness and a sign of fear of the appeasers  [21]  . This was a great mistake as all that the appeasers wanted was to preserve the world peace. This is what made him bold and gain confidence and a sen se of security. . Hitler had managed to convince the appeasers that he had no any intentions of aggression through his peace propaganda. This had in a way fooled Britain and France who were not in favor of a war but wanted world peaceful coexistence. The appeasers continued to adopt the appeasement policy and this assured Hitler that they would do anything just to avoid a war. This made him think that he could continue to expand his demands and the appeasers would still continue to give in to them. It was this appeasement policy that gave Hitler a foundation and a base to increase the demands after every successful conquest that he achieved. Conclusion There are many opinions and views about the appeasement policy with some critics saying it was a betrayal and sacrifice of some nations for the benefit of others. Others say that it was Chamberlains strategy of buying time to rearm Britain. But from Chamberlains point of view, all that he wanted was to avoid another world war. It is not the appeasement policy that triggered the world war two but instead it was the greed of Hitler to enlarge the German territory and make Germany a superpower. The failure of the appeasement policy was because it was only Chamberlain who fulfilled his part of the bargain. He was convinced, on trying to appease Hitler that he (Hitler) was an honest trustworthy and honorable man which was a mistake and a misjudgment on his part. Chamberlain felt that he had been betrayed by Hitler and that his appeasement policies were failing him. That is when he decided to take on a hard line approach towards the Nazi. Britain and France began rearming themselves. Italy on the other hard invaded Albania in April of 1939. It was Hitlers invasion of Poland that made these two countries declare war and Second World War officially began on 3rde September 1939. Though he really wanted to avoid the war, there came a time that he knew that war was in evitable. It was only after the failure of the negotiations between him and Hitler that he declared war against Germany Teleworking what it is? Teleworking what it is? Teleworking what it is? TELEWORK is a form of organising and/or performing work, using information technology, in the context of an employment contract/relationship, where work, which could also be performed at the employers premises, is carried out away from those premises on a regular basis. This agreement covers teleworkers. A teleworker is any person carrying out telework as defined above. (Emilio Gabaglio, Georges Jacobs, Andrea Bonetti, Rainer Plassmann, 16.07.2002 EU agreement among ETUC, UNICE/UEAPME and CEEP, p. 2). So it can be stated that teleworking is arrangement between employer and employee in which an employee regularly performs officially assigned duties at home or other work sites which are convenient for the employee. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM in US), describes telework as an alternative work arrangement for employees to conduct all or some of their work away from the primary workplace. The work location can be a residence, a telecenter, an office closer to the employees residence, or another acceptable location. The telework schedule may be fixed or episodic.(U.S. Office of Personnel Management,, date taken 29.01.2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Teleworking is also named telecommuting, flexiwork, sometimes flexiplace, e- commuting, e-work, telework, working at home (WAH), or working from home (WFH). Different types of teleworking. In general there are three types of telework: full time, part time, and situational. Full time telework means that the employee performs and completes all or almost all duties outside of a traditional office. In this meaning full time teleworking can be named as home-based work. Part time telework means that the employee performs and completes duties outside of a traditional office on a regularly scheduled basis, but not five days per week. For instance, the employee may telework one or more days a week, every two weeks, or several days in a month. Situational telework means that the employee do not telework on a regular basis. This type of telework may happened in case of medical problem, weather or hazardous conditions, that do not allowed employee to get to traditional office in a safe condition and way, sometimes situational telework may be caused by preparing special project which needs high concentration and doesnt need present of the employee in traditional office. Ursula Huws, an Associate Fellow of IES, is an established international authority on teleworking, states different approach to types of teleworking. The five main types of teleworking according to Ursula Huws are: Multi-site teleworking This form of teleworking means that employee rotates between working on the employers premises and working elsewhere. Typically, the secondary worksite is the home, but it may be a telecottage, telecentre or other outpost. Tele-homeworking Tele-homeworking means work which is based only in the home and carried out for a single employer, even if the worker does not have formal employee status. This type of teleworking generally involves fairly low-skilled work carried out by people who are tied to the home by the need to care for children or other dependants. Freelance teleworking Freelance teleworkers, in contrast to tele-homeworkers, work for a different clients, rather than a single employer. Mobile teleworking Mobile teleworking has evolved from more traditional types of work, which can be qualified in groups such as travelling sales representatives, inspectors or maintenance engineers. The new technologies, especially the development of portable equipment such the notebook computer, the mobile telephone, the portable fax machine, have created type of mobility which allowed increase of amount of professional, technical and managerial work that can be carried out on the road. Relocated back-office functions The first four categories of teleworking involve activities which employee can carry out in isolation away from the employers premises. Relocated back-office is other form of teleworking which takes place on remote office sites. Many big companies have been noticed a rapid growth in specialist centres carrying out activities such as data entry, customer service, airline bookings, telephone banking and mail-order. These centres operate on a subcontracted basis or under the direct control of an employer located at a distance. These type of teleworking face different problems including: lack of promotion prospects, health and safety problems and equal opportunities issues, for instance fairly low-paid work carried out by women (Teleworking: Guidelines for Good Practice, Huws U. Report 329, Institute for Employment Studies, 1997.). Teleworking advantages and disadvantages to employers and employees.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Telework brings a variety of advantages and disadvantages to employees and employers in many different aspects from work environment to health issues. I am going to point and describe, in my opinion, the most important benefits and negatives of telework to both employers and employees. Advantages to employers. Increase of employees productivity, because telework help to avoid common interruption to work in traditional office, what provides to better concentration. Employees are not late to work because of travel difficulties or unpredictable events, for example breakdown of a car, delays in public transport. Advantages of a health matter in meaning employees take off less time due to illness: employees who are long-time unwell and not able to work in traditional office, might be able to work from home, employees during recovering period from serious illness might be able to work from home, because employees who work alone are more isolated, they are less likely to contact or spread diseases such as flu, colds, viruses, etc. working in private, convenient place for employees is less stressful and could be less exposure to pollution, it can cause that teleworkers can be generally in better health, employees who work at home, obviously, are less likely to be injured while commuting. Employee work at home is fully using productive time for only work, compare to traditional office where at the end of work usually employees start to prepare to leave and clear their desk few minutes before the end of the work day. Help in recruiting process because: flexible working is more attractive, especially to graduated young people, employers have much more possibilities to seek employees, especially among disabled, people who take care of young children or the elderly, it is also encouraging to seek potentially employees away from city centres or even from different regions and countries. Reducing costs in everyday using of traditional office: saving in reducing employees benefits, for instance company car, fuel, public transport season tickets, parking spaces or payable car park permissions etc., saving in reducing or eliminating catering subsidies or the facilities themselves. Advantages to employees. Telework help to avoid common interruption to work in traditional office, what provides to faster implement projects and reduce wasting of time. Travel difficulties are avoided. From employee site it means: avoid loss of pay because of lateness or non-arrival, avoid stress on the way to work place. Less time taken off due to illness: if employee is too ill to come to traditional office, might still be well enough to work at home, employees during recovering period from serious illness might be able to work from home and finish priority projects on time, work alone employee is less likely to contact or spread diseases such as flu, colds, viruses, etc., improved general health because of less stress and exposure to pollution. Better personal safety, because reducing risk of accident on the way to work and back. More time to spend with family because time to travel to work is reduced to zero. In this meaning more time in case of family illness, household maintenance etc. Possibility to reduce cost of living through: living out of city centre in cheaper areas, reduce fuel cost, car maintenance because travel to work and back is excluded. Disadvantages to employers. Managers has only a little or even lack of control over employees who work on teleworking base. Because lack of control, managers cant check the productivity, they assess employees work only through deadlines of projects submissions. Security issues of data stored and general database; if employees work on their own PCs or laptops, do they have proper programs installed to secure companys data stored. Issues included persuade employees to work harder and more productive if manager cant see process of their work; how many brakes they take etc. Lost of physical contact with clients and employees; disadvantages connect with lack of reed of body language of employees their physical reaction on different situations and tasks, their way of socialising: making friendships with one another can show manager of employees ability to work in group, leadership etc. Disadvantages to employees. Employees work on telework basis, in their chosen places, cant compare their productivity to employees who work on regular basis in companys office. It can produce some kind of frustration and unfair feelings. Employees who work on telework basis can be afraid of additional costs of working at their chosen places for example: decorate an area for their Home Office, have extra phone lines installed, buy additional computer equipment and software to protect data and system, furnished their Home Office. Employees working at home will have to do own typing, filing and other office function. Telework employees will lose subsidised food beverages, company car, public transport etc. (1995-1999 Telework Analytics International, Inc. All Rights Reserved,, taken 27.02.2010).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Mouring in the Victorian Era Essay -- Victorian Era

Mouring in the Victorian Era The actions of Victorians upon a death is a intricate web of rituals and etiquette. In Vanity Fair, William Thackeray gives modern readers a brief glimpse into deep mourning through Amelia Sedley-Osborne. The idea of deep mourning was introduced by Queen Victoria upon the death of her husband, King Albert, who died of typhoid in 1861. At that time and for forty years after(the time of her death), the Queen mourned the loss of her beloved husband. She commanded her court to dress in mourning with her for the first three years post-mortem. Because of the Queen's extreme actions, the Victorians elected to mimic her ethics. After her death, the world came out of mourning and began to change fashion, which began the Edwardian Period. Death Death was a commonplace occurrence in the Victorian Age. "Three of every twenty babies died before their first birthday, and those who survived infancy had a life expectancy of only forty-two years" (Douglas) Death would take place most often in the home. When a death occurs, the entire house stops and takes up deep mourning. Windows are closed. Clocks are stopped. Mirrors were covered. Mirrors were covered because it was believed that a mirror, or reflective surface, could because trapped in it. Bodies would be stored in homes until they were buried. Poor families in their small houses would have to kept the dead in the same quarters as the living until the time of the funeral had arrived. Even children were not sheltered from the deaths around them. They were instructed at all ages on the meaning of death and its rituals. As the Industrial Revolution developed, Middle Class and proper etiquette were defined. Rules and regulations of what was proper was decided... Works Cited "Death: the Last Taboo." Victorian Era. Australian Museum. 2004. . Douglas, Anne. Victorian Mourning Customs. Pagewise, Inc. 2002 . Hell, Kyshah. "Victorian Mourning Garb." Morbid Outlook. . "Victorian Mourning." Webster Dictionary. 1931. . Weston, Pauline. Mourning Fashion History. Fashion-era. .

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cinderella In Therapy Essay -- essays research papers

Cinderella in Therapy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the movie â€Å"Cinderella,† Cinderella is a maid to an evil stepmother and two very heartless and obnoxious stepsisters. The only reason that Cinderella still puts up with their orders is an example of the Behavioral perspective. The Behavioral Perspective puts emphasis on learning by experience with rewards and punishments. She knows that if she does not do the chores, she will be punished or thrown out of the household. She does not have anywhere to go because her mother and father have passed away. Because Cinderella is a genuinely kind human being who wishes to please, she usually does not stick up for herself against the others in the household. She is used to taking on the brunt of the housework and doesn’t complain of her unfair and lowly position as maid of her own house.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cinderella is a dreamer and dreams about being rescued from the unhappy confinement she is stuck in, and living happily ever after with her prince charming. She believes that the treatment she receives can only get better, so she is still hopeful day after day, through all the severe treatment the house members put her through. The movie does not give much information about her childhood or past memories, so there is not much that we can derive from those aspects of the cognitive perspective. The cognitive perspective puts emphasis on individual potential for growth and the role of unique perceptions in guiding behavi...

sphere critique Essay -- essays research papers

Sphere   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sphere is an interesting story about a group of scientists from different disciplines who are brought to a super-secret underwater site where the U. S. Navy has discovered a mysterious, glowing sphere. Although the movie was very interesting, a lot of scientific facts, it was just too long and there were parts of the film where I found myself yawning. I give the movie a thumb up for being the movie my teacher chose to show the class. Although the movie was directed by Barry Levinson and starred Dustin Hoffman, Sharon Stone, and Samuel L. Jackson it would not be a movie I would pick off the shelf and rent for my own interest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Psychologist Norman Goodman is summoned to the middle of the Pacific Ocean, to provide trauma-assistance in what he believes to be a plane crash. When he arrives he is informed that a ship laying fibre optic cables between Honolulu and Sydney had come across an unknown object 1000 feet under the ocean. The navy using SLS side looking sonar was able to detect an aerodynamic fin longer than a football field and longer than any known wingspan. Also using the fusel lodge extra high resolution SLS bottom scan they figured out that the spacecraft was buried under 8 yards of quarrel. Knowing that the pacific quarrel grows at a rate of an inch a year they were able to calculate that the spacecraft crashed about 300 years ago. Also there is a low level hum that the sonar can pick up.    ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Analysis of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s Oration on the Dignity of Man Essay

In Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s â€Å"Oration on the Dignity of Man,† he discusses his conceptions and ideas on the nature and the potential of human beings. Notably, in his discussion, he reconciles and combines the teachings of Islam, Judaism and Christianity into a single binding thought. He also attempted to reconcile the several contrasting teachings of Aristotle and Plato, although it is noticeable that he is more in favor of the teachings of the latter. Although his oration is great in length, it can be summarized into several important points. Possibly the first important point is in the first part of Mirandola’s oration in which he explained the origin of man through the story of creation. He claimed that after God, whom he considers as the highest form of authority in the universe like all other religions, finished creating all creatures, he expressed the desire to create another being who would be able appreciate all of the animals, plants, and other things he created. In addition, based on his oration, these creatures each had its own â€Å"rank† in the world. However, Mirandola claimed that there was no longer any room for another creature in the hierarchy of the world, as all the slots, from angels to worms had already been occupied when he finished creating. According to Mirandola, as a result, God created man in such a way that he would not be belong to any slot or position in the hierarchy or chain of beings. Instead, Mirandola claimed, that man had the ability to imitate and learn from all the other creatures, which he likened to a â€Å"chameleon. † Furthermore, he asserted that man’s destiny was the controlled merely by the hand of God, but by his own freewill. In other words, according to Mirandola, human beings could change themselves based on the decisions and the choices they make. In addition, he claimed that these choices could lead man closer to God or farther away from him. After Mirandola’s explanation of man’s purpose in the world, he then discussed how man should act and also discussed the consequences of each of his actions. According to him, human beings should imitate the actions of Cherubims, whom he described as the angels that â€Å"flashes forth the splendor of intelligence,† as this would help them ascend the ladder or hierarchy of beings and ultimately reach God, whom he claimed as the one on top of the ladder. In other words, Mirandola asserted that it is through the use of human intellect, specifically through philosophizing or engaging in intellectual discussions, can human beings become like angels and become one with their creator God. Moreover, although there are other ways of communing with God and ascending closer to him, according to Mirandola, the use of human intellect is the best way to do so because in is through thinking can human beings conceive and understand â€Å"pure† and eternal ideas and thoughts. In other words, Mirandola generally emphasized the importance of the power of the imagination as this where limitless possibilities occur. In contrast, based on his oration, when human beings fail to use their intellect they descend the ladder or the hierarchy and become evil and useless. Furthermore, according to him, it is this ability of man, which the exercise of freewill that distinguishes him from all the other creatures of God and thereby making him superior to them. Mirandola claimed that only human beings have control of their fates as all the other creatures in nature are controlled by external forces acting on them. Moreover, he also explained based on the teachings of Empedocles, that human beings have dual souls. One brings them closer to the heavens and in effect closer to God while the other drags them further down the earth, where war and discord exists. However, Mirandola emphasized that it is solely the choice of human beings which soul they would nourish. Another important point that Mirandola discusses in his oration is his view on the many schools of thoughts or philosophies existing in the world. First of all, according to him, philosophies always change, which makes a human being’s ability to self-transform the only thing constant. Moreover, he emphasized that since there are many philosophies and beliefs, which include the teachings of Plato, Aristotle, Christianity and Islam, among others, it is best for man to learn all of these doctrines to have a broader view and understanding of life and the journey to God. According to him, human beings should not simply believe in and stick to a single dogma or doctrine, especially if this attacks other teachings, as this hinders their capacity to think, which he holds in the highest regard. Furthermore, Mirandola also stressed that in the system where man has freewill and can transform himself into any other existing creature, it is the philosophers, which include himself, who are considered the most dignified and possible the highest form of human beings. Based on his oration, he believed that since philosophers think and engage in debates most of the time, they are drawn closer to God and they ascend the hierarchy of beings faster than other humans. Similarly, he asserted that artists, writers, and painters, who have very powerful imaginations, are not merely artisans but geniuses as they possess ability to exercise their intellectual capacities Lastly, another notable point that Mirandola discussed is his of view on the mystery of God himself. According to him, God made himself known to prophets like Moses not through a single revelation but a series of revelations that made them understand his true nature and character. In addition, he emphasized that there only a few human beings who possess the capacity to understand the revelations of God because it is they who can accurately and truthfully profess what they know and what they have discovered.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Management Efficiency Ratios: Burger King vs. McDonalds

This paper seeks to compare Burger King (BK) with its competitor McDonald (MCD) in the restaurant industry, using their financial statements as basis in terms of profitability and management efficiency ratios for the latest fiscal year. This will also discuss the concept of operating cost, evaluate the annual and year-end results of the two companies, and interpret BK as takeover target compared with its competitors. Burger King’s profitability is obviously lower than MCD.Based on net profit margin for year 2008, BK had 7. 3% as compared with MCD’s 18. 3% for the same year. The same behavior may be observed in terms of pre-tax margin, where BK had 11% as against that of MCD at 26. 2 % for the same year. It is only in terms of gross margins that BK has exceeded that of MCD but the net margin and pre-tax margin are better ways to measure profitability as expenses need to be deducted further.For purposes of comparing the net profit margin and pre-tax margin of the two comp anies against the industry average, BK is worse but MCD is definitely better. The Return of Asset (ROA) of BK is 7. 1% for the 2008 and is lower than that of MCD, which reflected ROA of 14. 9% for the same year. The results of these ratios further confirmed earlier observation in net profit margin. The same better profitability is further observed in terms of Return of Equity (ROE) where BK showed 22. 2% for 2008, which is still lower than MCD’s 30.1% for 2008. While ROA measures how efficient management a company is in terms of assets employed in business, ROE measures how much management is compensating resources invested by stockholders, the results would still reinforce earlier finding that BK, is less profitable and less efficient than MCD. The less profitability and efficiency of BK as against MCD is also further proven in terms of the former’s lower receivable turnover of 18. 67 for 2008 as against 23. 7 for MCD and 46. 8 for industry average.Inventory turnover for BK is not possible because of its absence of inventory for 2008 while that of MCD, the figure is over 100 times for 2008, which is even higher than industry average. Even if no comparison could be made in terms of inventory turnover, there is sufficient evidence to show better profitability and efficiency for MCD as against BK. To discuss the concept of operating cost for operating a business, the same must be minimized in order to maximize profits since costs or expenses must be deducted from revenues in order to derive profit.The lower the cost, the higher would be the profit assuming revenues are the same. To evaluate the annual and year-end results of the two companies and interpret BK as takeover target compared with its competitors, there is need to look at profitability and management efficiency of the two companies. As found out, BK was less profitable and less efficient than MCD. However, a company wishing to take over another company does not necessarily follow that it can also take over a better competitor of the target for many reasons.What must be controlling on the part of the company making the takeover is the expected profit of the takeover, both over the short and the longer-term, and which should be higher than the cost of capital or operating cost in order to justify the takeover. It can be concluded that BK may be less profitable and less efficient than its competitor MCD may, but if the profitability of BK could improve the profitability and efficiency of both the acquired and the acquired company combined together after the takeover, there is still justification to continue the takeover of BK.References:MSN (2009a) Financial Ratios of Burger King, {www document} URL http://moneycentral. msn. com/investor/invsub/results/compare. asp? Symbol=US%3aBKC, Accessed April 17, 2009.MSN (2009b) Financial Ratios of McDonalds, {www document} URL http://moneycentral. msn. com/investor/invsub/results/compare. asp? Symbol=MCD, Accessed April 17, 200 9.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Graffiti’s impact on society Essay

Who is responsible for the pervasion of this so called â€Å"artcrime† in today’s society The word â€Å"graffiti† is derived from the Latin term â€Å"graphium† which means â€Å"to write†. Graffiti evolved during ancient times but first impacted on modern society in the late 1960’s, when political activists used it as a medium of revolt against governing powers. Thereafter, individual artists began to gain recognition. TAKI 183 was the first known artist to write tags, starting in central New York subways. After seeing the regular appearance of TAKI 183’s tags, new artists began to flourish throughout New York City, establishing personal tags visible to almost everyone. The artists’ goal was to be the most prolific and visible, leaving tags on subways, buses, trains and walls around the city. Graffiti later developed into an â€Å"art form†, where the writer with the most unique style and conspicuous presence was deemed the best. While the competition between artists in New York reached boiling point at this time, the rest of the world began to experience the first of these so called â€Å"artcrimes†. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Graffiti is just another form of art, and art is all self expression, legally or illegally†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Inevitably, laws were introduced aiming to control the outbreak of graffiti artists. This provoked a race amongst artists to paint as many trains and subways as possible, before the law caught them. The recognition of style and technique gained more appreciation by fellow writers as the use of vivid colours and seemingly cryptic language developed. The original style of tagging progressively became an artform. Today there is a definite distinction between â€Å"tagging† to deface and  Ã¢â‚¬Å"street art†. Graffiti has developed over time to create a complex social framework, involving breakdancing, DJing, MCing and graffiti to form a popular youth culture referred to as â€Å"The urban Hip-Hop culture†. These arts arose from New York, where gangs used these various methods as a way of self expression and often in other ways to settle arguments. Recently, legal â€Å"street art† has been used by local government and youth centres to discourage the tagging and vandalism which regularly occurs in their area, to present to the upcoming youth a form of self expression without involving illegalities. But unfortunately, official attempts are often in vain. The reason these artists enjoy painting walls results from â€Å"the adrenaline rush involved in expressing yourself illegally, which in our case just happens to be via graffiti. To me graffiti is just another form of art, and art is all self expression, legal or illegal† states local Perth artist Dave K. Dave goes on to say, â€Å"The ultimate rush comes from painting in a more difficult place, especially trains. There are plenty of new kids to the scene who just tag for a â€Å"kick† but don’t understand the deeper meaning of graffiti as an artform and it’s those people who give us a bad name.† Yet the continuation of youth projects such as that at the Claremont Showgrounds show a positive effect on the community, lighting up the walls and reducing vandalism in the area. †¦ â€Å"A surfer travels the world for the perfect wave, writers travel the world for the perfect train yard†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Senior policeman, Constable, Nick Steele, has become a full time youth advisor, and organises legal graffiti for the kids of Perth. He says, â€Å"We use it as a gateway for the kids, to discourage the unartistic forms of graffiti like tagging and scratching, and encourage youth to get involved in projects such as the Claremont Showgrounds wall. To me these projects have positive effects on the kids and the community.† We can expect more legal graffiti to be organised in the near future. The graffiti explosion has touched over 75% of the world, creating a worldwide network where writers from Australia may travel in Europe to paint trains†¦ â€Å"Graffiti is similar to surfing, as a surfer travels the world for the perfect wave, writers travel the world for the perfect train yard,† says renowned artist CES of New York. The complexity of today’s youth culture continues to grow. Today’s graffiti problem is commonly considered a burden on society, as the regular removal of graffiti costs an enormous amount of money. An estimated $15 billion (US) worldwide each year is spent on the consistent removal of sprayed, marked and scratched surfaces. If, as Constable Steele suggests, the artistic form of graffiti as street art can override the more defacing form of tagging & scratching, the graffiti culture may yet prove an asset to society by minimising graffiti done as vandalism.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Firearms at a Crime Scene Essay

After a firearm has been photographed at the scene, it will be necessary to be rendered safe. An automatic pistol will require its magazine to be removed and the round extracted from the chamber. When removing the magazine it will need to be handled carefully in order to preserve potential fingerprint evidence and be placed in a paper or plastic evidence bag. The round from the chamber should be placed in a plastic vial or paper envelope. A revolver will need to have the rounds taken from the chambers within the cylinder. The chamber that is on top and in line with the barrel will need to be marked. The cylinder and chambers should be sketched and assigned numbers. As the rounds are removed from the chambers, they need to be placed in individual plastic vials or paper envelopes with a corresponding chamber number indicated. Regardless of type, automatic or revolver, each firearm will need to have an identification tag affixed to its trigger guard. The identification tag needs to contain the hammer position, caliber, make, model and serial number of the firearm, the investigators name, date, time, and location of collection. An additional identifier can be scratched on to the firearm, in an inconspicuous location, and in a manner that will not damage potential evidence. If the firearm was recovered from under the water’s surface, it will need to be cleared as mentioned previously, pertinent details recorded, and placed in an evidence container that will allow it to remain covered in the same water that it was found. The firearm should not be cleaned or allowed to dry. The rounds recovered from either type of weapon will need to be packaged individually, preferably in plastic vials or paper envelopes. Each vial or envelop will need to be accompanied by the following information: date, time and location of recovery, caliber, and investigators name. If a bullet is found at the scene it should be handled carefully in order to protect the striation marks. Bullets should not be pulled out of materials that they are lodged in; the surrounding materials should be broken or chiseled away. The bullet should be marked either on the point or the base, wrapped in tissue paper, placed in a plastic vial or envelope, and the afore mentioned information attached to the applicable evidence container. Spent shell casings, if found, should be picked up with tweezers or forceps, marked with an identifier near the mouth of the casing, packaged individually in plastic vials or envelopes, and be accompanied by the previously mentioned pertinent information. It is imperative that the chain of custody reflects the change of possession when any item is handed over to a laboratory or testing facility.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Database in an Organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Database in an Organisation - Essay Example This study covers various aspects related to database systems in the BMI healthcare hospital located in the United Kingdom. An analysis of database applications shows that a database system is an integral part of any health care organization. The key functions of a database system are also determined which include recording the relevant data, processing of data, organizing the collected data, and assisting departments of an organization in the different business processes. The result of the study shows that an efficient database system plays a key role in the progress and development of BMI healthcare hospital. 1. Introduction Data or up to date information is of critical importance for any company or organization. It not only plays a key role in the success of an organization but also makes the organizations compete with other firms in a competitive environment. However, companies need to manage the data in an appropriate way in order to make a good use of it. Therefore, information technology professionals have developed database systems, which not only help the organizations manage the data properly but also make the organizational activities efficient and well organized. It is due to the utmost importance of database systems that almost every company or organization of the current business environment has implemented efficient database systems in order to manage data in an organized way. In this paper, we will discuss what database systems are and what role do they play in the success of an organization. 2. What is Database? Before going into the discussion related to databases and their uses in organizations, let us get a better understanding of what database actually is. Date, Kannan, and Swamynathan (2006, p. 6) state, â€Å"A database is basically a computerized record-keeping system†. Database is a record of important data or information, which an organization requires to run different business processes and activities. â€Å"A database can be limited to a single desktop computer or can be stored in large server machines, like the IBM Mainframe† (Satalkar, 2009). Database systems are not like spreadsheets. Some of the functions, which make database systems different from spreadsheets, include retrieval of records that match certain criteria, updating of records in bulk, cross-referencing records in different tables, and performing complex aggregate calculations (Chapple). Database systems help the employees retrieve some specific data from the records. Database systems also help the doctors prepare reports based on recorded data and assist them in performing complex calculations needed to analyze different case histories. 2.1 Types of Databases â€Å"Two of the most popular database systems used by web developers today are MySQL and Microsoft's MS SQL server† (Hobach, 2008). There are various types of databases depending on the structure of data. Some most common types of databases include flat model database , network model database, hierarchical model database, and relational model database. The most commonly used type of database is relational model database. â€Å"In a relational database, information is stored in tables (often called relations) which help organize and structure data† (Martin, 2010). Companies use relational model database not only to store data but also to retrieve it when needed. Data is stored in the form of tables and each record stored in the table can have many fields. Using relational model

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Life Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Life Learning - Essay Example Even so, there are some lessons and experiences that one must undergo before becoming a leader. Based on the Kolb-Fry model, one has to undergo an effective learning process that sees one go through the stages of a concrete experience, observation and reflection of the experience, analysis and conclusion, which eventually results in new experiences. Through such experiences, undergoes enough tests to gain leadership traits. While leadership may be inbuilt, at times it involves intensive training before one acquires desired leadership qualities. Through training, one understands the need to inspire and empower others. This lies under psychological leadership in which a person reads the psychology of followers and understands exactly how to direct them to realize organizational objectives. The number of natural born leaders is very few in the current society. I have experienced several leadership mishaps in the organizations I have worked in over the years. To enhance effectiveness in leadership, it is essential for one to train them in lieu to the setting they find themselves at that time. Great leadership is about one’s actions, and not about what they know about leadership. Naturally, I am an outgoing, generous, and carefree person. I am smart can learn anything fast, and have a great memory. I have always had a lot of friends at home, school and work. I have always been a leader and I understa nd how to take on a task and complete with quality. People look up to me at my workplace, and I have been the motivator in the departments I have worked at. Leadership training is at times ineffective. Naturally, leaders are not trained; they are developed. I learnt that it is nearly impossible for a person to tell another on how to lead. Developing a leader is easier and much more effective than training a leader. That is the reason as to why most leadership training programs are ineffective. Sometimes one is just not born

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Easy Jet's strategy in action-Strategic management undergaraduate Essay

Easy Jet's strategy in action-Strategic management undergaraduate - Essay Example These companies then ran almost scraped ships, and so on. On the other hand, EasyJet applies an efficient, cost-effective strategy that spreads in all racks of its management operations, that is, from boardroom to cockpit. Though being a large-scale airline operator that manages busy routes with modern aircraft, EasyJet is still low-cost company that has boomed in the market in a very short time. For the customers the EasyJet offers a safe, friendly airline that is, all the more, efficient for very low fare prices. With the growth of the company’s assets (its moving from a private venture to a public company, for example), has alerted other brands in the airline industry and a very intense air of competition is what can be seen soaring the European airline industry. As such other such giants as the British Airways and Ryanair are coming up with more solid strategies as well that give EasyJet a hard time as the â€Å"British Airways implementation of a low-cost strategy on its European network has put easyjet under pressure from a "full-service" airline on one side and Ryanair, the "no-service" airline, on the other† ( As such it is a challenge for the EasyJet to be in the market with the similar nature of being a low-cost no frills airline that is growing by the day and also on the constantly upward-moving curve of high profits, monopoly of its own modern kind, goodwill among the customer for safe and secure airline service, and most of all of being a low-cost, high-quality operator in Europe and elsewhere. In this regard, we can see that EasyJet is coming heavy as the company merger with GO airline is a milestone and it was analysed that â€Å"EasyJet/Go would become a bigger player overnight through its merger† ( Thus, in the following part of the paper, it seems wise to look

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Assessment and Evaluation in the Work Place Essay

Assessment and Evaluation in the Work Place - Essay Example It is in the light of this that recruiters in such organizations must be conscious of the need for these diversity of skills and abilities and the most effective means of developing and utilizing them in the achievement of the aims and objectives of institutions such as the open and distance learning system (David). The present object of the study is to critically analyse and reflect upon your learning styles, skills, strengths & weaknesses, plan how you can develop them and learn from the experience. The study aims is to enable learning from the whole experience of work including a focus on learning generic skills and knowledge from the workplace. These include: understanding organisational structures, induction programmes, personal development and lifelong learning through reflection and critical analysis. The stakeholders of workplace include consumers, workers, managers, supervisors, and union officials, etc. who each bring their own perspectives and expectations. There are different types of workplace regarding various corners of life and various corners of working. The Coordinator position must be supported by the grant and/or match funds from the business and/or labor union. There are work places where students work for their academicals, workplace for workers who work for their profession. Our present concern is the workplace regarding students. 3. Difference of Assessment philosophy in the World Assessment methodology is differed in various regions in various respects in the world. Teachers often differ in the way they like to collect data. Some prefer to have a single checklist, naming all the students in the class (or in one work group) across the top and listing the criteria to be assessed down the side. The students' columns are then marked if a criterion is met. In this case some information would have to be transferred later to a student's individual record. Other teachers prefer to have one assessment sheet per student, which is forms part of the student's record. That sheet would list the factors for assessment down the side, but along the top might be a series of dates indicating when assessment took place. Such an individual file would illustrate development over the year. In this case, information might have to be transferred from the record to the official class mark book, as required. 4. Assessment in the Work Place Much research in education around the world is currently focusing on assessment and evaluation. It has become clear, as more and more research findings accumulate, that a broader range of attributes need to be assessed and evaluated than has been considered in the past. A wide variety of ways of doing this are suggested. Assessment and evaluation are best addressed from the viewpoint of selecting what appears most valid in allowing students to illustrate what they have learned. Time management in the workplace is great resource for employees to help manage their daily activities. This article

Monday, September 9, 2019

Meaning of Labels Aspergers Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Meaning of Labels Aspergers Syndrome - Essay Example There are five different types of pervasive development disorders (PDD) that are more often referred to as autism spectrum disorders (ASD) (nimh, 2006). Asperger's syndrome is the mildest form of the disorder. All the disorders "are characterized by varying degrees of impairment in communication skills, social interactions, and restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior."(nimh, 2006) Another definition makes similar points: "A disorder that is present from birth or very early in development that affects essential human behaviors such as social interaction, the ability to communicate ideas and feelings, imagination, and the establishment of relationships with others." The spectrum of conditions that make up autism often lead to great family disruption and to unfulfilled lives for many children, so any teaching methods that may alleviate the effect of the condition are very important. One of the problems with the whole of autism, and with Asperger Syndrome in general, is the fact that it describes a pattern of symptoms rather than just a single symptom (Powers, 2001). In most ways Asperger's resembles autism, but in a very mild form. Thus a child displays qualitative impairment in social interaction, and often repetitive/limited activities and interests (Tsantsanis, 2003). As it is rather mild autism, children with Asperger's may actually be reasonable functional. At the moment there is actual study that addresses the long-term prognosis for a child with Asperger syndrome. These children appear have a greater tendency towards psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety and perhaps schizophrenia (Klin, 2006). Treatment options tend to include educational development and a search to exploit the often singular talents that some children with Asperger's display. PART 2. Critically discuss the concepts of labels and labeling in relation to Aspergers The concepts of labels and labeling are always controversial when they regard children and possible mental conditions. The results of labeling a child as "autistic" or "Asperger's" will be profound and will effect the child for the rest of his/her school years and beyond. Thus it is important that the 'labels' be given in an accurate manner, and, concomitantly, that they are associated with clearly defined conditions. With Asperger's Syndrome it is diagnosis at the very mildest and most severe form that is most important. For the mildest cases, it may be difficult to distinguish between actual Asperger's and a simple eccentric or anachronistic view of the world being displayed by the child (Muller, 2007). Unfortunately, the syndrome is so loosely defined that it may be simply a matter of subjective opinion rather than objective fact as to whether a child is labeled as displaying Asperger's Syndrom

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Introduction to Supply Chain Management Research Paper

Introduction to Supply Chain Management - Research Paper Example Dell has accomplished to turn into one of the mainstream victorious computer corporations in the human race, by highlighting as well as making straight its strategies with the plan of its management supply chain. The ground-breaking ideas of its inventor, Dell, and their effectual execution have transformed Dell into the mainly quoted exemplar of the Supply Chain scientific society. As a result, the concern in examining Dell’s SC policies is important, as it is anticipated to emphasize more universal and pioneering problems of SCM. Although numerous exploration works have investigated Dell’s strategies of supply chain, the majority of the implemented advances fall into the groups of strategic as well as hypothetical, theoretical outlook of the topic. Moreover, the production world is â€Å"hungry† for illustrations along with practical, sensible recommendation for policies as well as operations. Therefore, there appears to be a number of gaps between academic world and the commerce world regarding the handling of the topic of Supply Chain Management. Our goal is to seal this gap by giving an evaluation of a lower degree, therefore, employ knowledge-oriented methods to evaluate and shape Dell’s trade as well as Supply Chain policies. After investigating these strategies, we will create a business progression representation (BPM) for Dell that is planned, business-goal-centered as well as implementable. To create the BPM be implementable we will develop a workflow foundation for BPM model and computation of the total implementation duration and expenditure. Thus, the key aim of our effort is to gain knowledge of Dell’s strategies of supply chain. The minor aims comprise: i) the creation of Dell’s BPM model that demonstrates its strategies of SC, ii) the formation of a workflow foundation for BPM model that is production situation responsive, and iii) the reproduction of the urbanized