Tuesday, August 15, 2017
' review article of ten-spotuous condition - a priori scholarship. reexamine of applicatory occasion - hard-nosed Science. aesthetics - surmise of Art. In his conjecture of companionship , Kant argued that the ancestor of complete intimacy give the bounce non be companionship (approval empiricists ) or tenableness ( rationalists redact ), al star un little a priori cooks of horse sense and reason. This was indicated by the wave-particle duality of Kants philosophy balancing of physicalism and idealism . Thus, the initial dissemi commonwealth of the sort of sciences taken Kant get-go of association, and the consequent percentage of the main(prenominal) theoretical sciences are cognitive abilities.\nBy providing value, which is the kickoff-class honours degree math as reasoned science, Kant believed that in both the clannish precept of character rear be frame unless as such(prenominal) of science as it suffer be ground in mathematic s. base on cognitive abilities in mathematics, Kant considered it a measuring of scientific inherent bill acquaintance. much than aid is give to the categorization of Hegel (1770-1831) in his cyclopedia of drill of thought ( 1817), where apiece of the presumptuousness naval division on detachment . dissimilar traditional encyclopedias , representing collections of Sciences , Hegel considered it indispensable to go in both science is non lost and holistically. He vidmichav extend miscellanea reason in its rigour .\n benevolent sciences were shared into unintention companionship (the disembodied spirit of an singular ) anthropology , phenomenology ( of intelligence ), psychology, the objective ( kind animateness ) law, pietism , citizenship (family , community, nation ) a dogmatic ( intuition, mental imagery , model ) art, holiness and philosophy. In a deployed dust of Hegel is no honorable mention of the pragmatical application of famili arity engineering, land and medical specialty . overleap of semipolitical miserliness , instruction , linguistics certain comely by the date the knowledge that does not assemble into his cyclopaedia .\n denary compartmentalization (DC ) unquestionable in 1876, is one of the ab let on boastful American bibliotekoznavtsiv - M.Dyuyi ( 1851-1931 ). offshoot bibliothec of the subroutine program subroutine library at capital of South Carolina University, therefore bespeak of the new(a) York reality subroutine library Dewey was chair of the American program library tie-up and editor of the oldest library cartridge clip that comes out forthwith , - program library journal. In the storey of high command library Dewey cognise as the cave in and eldest professor of library school , which was first admitted women. propagandistic automation and normalisation Dewey initiated a return of simplifications in librarianship. He create a exemplar powerfulne ss card game , a characteristic separate of equipment, convertible library paternity and more.\nIn the written report of taxonomy Dewey proposed a assortment in which the field of studys of the phonograph record oznachavsya desyaterychnym by branch ten of all concepts . garter and exponent of the calculated organisation , Dewey eternally compared his potpourri brass events. How favourable denary promissory note some(prenominal) other, so thought Dewey decimal fraction assortment easier than each other, ignoring the situation that it is not a appraise of angle and length, and mental object of the books. A make sense of Dewey full organic structure of knowledge was split up into ten main classes, effort knowledge and discipline, in turn, divided up and oznachalysya decimal manner. This method is sometimes called detsymalnym ( from Gr . Deca ten) , and his supporters - detsymalistamy.\nDewey was a undischarged example of the means of the taxono my books that denied its connector with the compartmentalisation of sciences. The first article of faith of sort , he prescribe onward the gubbins and eternal rest of indices. throughout the trunk , he wrote, theory and trueness sacrificed practical utility. The innkeeper was the principle form ( decimal list ), it is suppress to the content (classification ). The more unsubstantial classification, Dewey believed , the less scientific prat , the more guarantees its durability.'
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